Goodbye, Norma Jeane

The story.

1988. A young man rings the doorbell at small apartment in a town in Europe. A 62-year-old woman opens the door and introduces herself as Jane Edwards, but the young man is not fooled. He is her biggest fan and he is sure. One hundred percent sure. The woman standing before him is Norma Jeane Baker. Once better known as Marilyn Monroe, whom the world knows no better than that she died 26 years earlier, on August 5, 1962.
Stunned, the woman lets the young man in. She is especially afraid that her secret will become known, but then he makes her a proposition. He wants to know what happened the last night of her life.

Norma Jeane accepts these terms and begins to narrate. She tells of a young girl who ends up in a Hollywood world full of lies, deceit and tinsel. She tells how Norma Jeane Baker slowly faded and transformed into Marilyn Monroe: actress, model and sex symbol. She tells how fame first brought her everything she ever desired, offered her freedom, but that fame also had a downside and eventually suffocated her. Nothing flourishes, nothing emerges, nothing is real anymore under the ever-prickly eyes of the oh-so-critical outside world. And where Marilyn first seemed a liberation, she suddenly became a prison for Norma Jeane. Her story is one of unattainable love, unfathomably deep depression, intense grief, devastating uncertainty and eternal yearning.

When Marilyn died, the world was one unhappy star poorer, but one relieved woman richer....


Creative info.

  • Script: Allard Blom
    Direction: Martin Michel
    Music: Sam Verhoeven
    Costume design: Marie Dries
    Lighting design: Jeroen Opsteyn (Painting with Light)
    Sound design: Philippe Peirsman (Twin4u)
    Musical direction: Thomas Vanhauwaert en Laure Campion

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Goodbye Norma Jeane is a story with beautiful music where the line between fiction and reality seems blurred or may not even exist. If you really want to see a great show this new musical is definitely worth seeing.

The story and the performance of three superb actors make this performance a treat for the eyes and ears.






The War of the Roses